Not gonna lie Reader... ... this week's episode was supposed to drop LAST Thursday. And I followed all of the systems that we've so carefully created and tested over the decade of sharing this podcast. ✅ Content was mapped out weeks ago, with detailed bullet points of everything I wanted to cover. ✅ Time was blocked out on the calendar to record multiple episodes. ✅ Everything was recorded, edited, and basically ready to go days before our usual publish date. But sometimes you follow the system, implement the plan, and things still happen that are 100% out of your control. Like a snow storm that kept the kiddos home for 2 days and knocked out our power and internet (along with most of Richmond VA) for over two days. Clearly - my priorities shifted. I had to make coffee and soup on our little camping stove (and pray that I wouldn't burn myself in the process). I had to reschedule my Marketing Without Social Media Masterclass until Thursday afternoon (and head to another location with power and internet to deliver it). I had to encourage teens to use baby wipes in place of a shower because have you ever had 3 teenagers who haven't showered since Monday have to go to school Thursday when you didn't get power restored until late afternoon. There is so much in this world that is 100% out of our control. Rach 10 years ago would have worked herself into a tizzy, letting perfectionism and anxiety drive the bus, pissing off everyone in my family in the process. Rach today? Let it all go. Focus on what I DO have control over (playing chess and boardgames and reading books) vs. what I don't. We were all safe, bundled up under blankets, snuggled with our furbabies. I finished a little crochet baby hat for one of my oldest friends new babies and played piano for the first time in forever. Sometimes life throws us these moments to let us know that it's OK to be still. And here we are again - another snow storm headed this way - and I have zero control over the weather or if we'll have power. But I know that I don't have to pretend to be perfect for my business to thrive. In fact, the more I share the reality of my life and business, the more connection is generated. Because none of us are perfect and isn't that a relief?!?! So I hope you enjoy this week's episode - because dropping the perfectionism is a theme we are diving into today. Racheal 🎙 Promote Yourself to CEO 🎙🔥 Fired Up & Focused Challenge 🔥If you've been struggling to stay focused and get the most important work in your business done, then it's time to hit the reset button with the Fired Up & Focused Challenge! In this 100% FREE challenge, I'll walk you through 5 powerful strategies to help you plan, prioritize, and boost your profitability.
Ready for practical, profitable strategies to sustainably scale your business - without sacrificing your life, your health, or your sanity? Join Racheal each week on Promote Yourself to CEO for masterclass style podcast episode full of no BS insights to grow your business.